Editor, AMS Studies in Music (the premiere book series of the American Musicological Society), published by Oxford University Press, 2011-present
Editorial Board, Journal of Musicological Research, 2009-present
Editorial Board: Women and Music: a Journal of Gender and Culture, 1995 – present
Comité de lecture: Revue de musicologie (Paris), 2013-present
Comité scientifique: Transposition. Musique et Sciences Sociales (Paris), 2009-present
Advisory Board: Musica Humana (Korea), 2008-present
Advisory Board: 19th-Century Music, 2005- present
Advisory Board: Repercussions, 1993 – present
Advisory Board: Open Space Magazine, 1999 – present
Advisory Board: Ernest Krenek Society, 2000 – 2010
Advisory Board: Lyrica Society for Word-Music Relations, 2000-2010
Board of Directors: Pauline Oliveros Foundation, 1995 – 2001; Secretary of the Board, 2001.
AMS Publications Committee, 2011-present
Fellowship Selection Committee, American Council of Learned Societies, 2015
Fellowship Selection Committee, NEH, 2013
Comité scientifique (Organizing committee), Première rencontre internationale: Narratologie et les arts: L’Art comme texte. Approches narratologiques, sémiotiques, transmédiatiques,”Institut Hongrois, Paris (7-8 December 2012)
Program Committee, Colloque international, Recherches en musicologie: nouvelles perspectives, Société française de musicologie/Ecole normale supérieure, Lyon, France (September 2012)
Chair: Colin Slim Award Committee, American Musicological Society, 2011-12; member 2009-11
Program Committee, The Symphony Orchestra as Cultural Phenomenon, London (1-3 July 2010)
Comité scientifique (Organizing committee), Le Concerto pour piano français à l’épreuve des modernités, Palazzetto Bru Zane (Centre de musique romantique française), Venice, Italy (May 2010)
Co-chair, Committee on Cultural Diversity, American Musicological Society, 2006-08
AMS Committee on Membership and Professional Development, 2007-08
AMS Howard Mayer Brown Fellowship Committee, 2004- 2008
Audio-Visual Committee, Society of Ethnomusicology, 1998-2005
Chair, Program Committee, National Meeting, American Musicological Society, Houston, 2003
Program Committee, National Meeting of the American Musicological Society, 2001-2004
Comité scientifique (Organizing committee), Vincent d’Indy et son temps, an international conference at the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France, September 2002
Fellowship Selection Committee (final stage grant panel to choose external and internal fellows), Stanford Humanities Center, 2001-02
Program Committee, meeting of the International Musicological Society, London, 1997
Chair, Program Committee, Feminist Theory and Music III, UC Riverside (June 15-18, 1995)
Co-director of the research residency group, “Retheorizing Music,” UCHRI (Fall semester 1994)
Nominating Committee, American Musicological Society, 1994-95
Council of the American Musicological Society, 1991-1994
Director: International Stravinsky Symposium, La Jolla, CA (September 1982).
Grants (USA): National Endowment for the Humanities, Guggenheim Foundation,
Stanford Humanities Center (annually since 1994), American Council for Learned Societies; National Humanities Center (annually since 2007)
Grants (Europe): British Academy Humanities Research Board, Institut d’études avancées de Nantes (annually since 2010), Ville de Paris: “Research in Paris,” EURIAS programs at RFIEA (European projects) (annually since 2011)
Presses: University of California Press, Yale University Press, Oxford University Press, Indiana University Press, Wesleyan University Press, University of Rochester Press, Western University Press, University of Chicago Press, University of Nebraska Press
Music Journals: Journal of the American Musicological Society, Journal of the Royal Musical Association, Music and Letters, Music Perception, Musical Quarterly, Women and Music, Perspectives of New Music, 19th Century Music, Journal of Musicology
Reviewer for faculty promotions: University of London, Institut universitaire de France, Stanford University, UCLA, UC Davis, University of Illinois, University of Colorado, Boulder, University of Texas, Austin, Indiana University, Northern Illinois University, Trinity College, Emory University, Eastman School of Music, City University of New York, University of South Carolina, King’s College (London), University of Keele (UK)
Curator, “The Art of Music”, monthly concert series, San Diego Museum of Art, 2015-2016.
Scholar-in-residence, Saint-Saens and his World, Bard Music Festival, New York, 2011-12.
UNIVERSITY SERVICE (selected contributions)
Member: Board of Directors, UC Humanities Research Institute, 2014-present
Member: UCSD Academic Integrity Council, 2014-15.
Member: UCSD Graduate Council; chief reviewer of the Economics department, 2011-14
Member: UCSD Search Committee for a provost of Eleanor Roosevelt College, 2009
Member: UCSD Committee on the Status of Women, 2008-2010
Member: UCSD Committee on Planning and Budget, 2001-03
Member: UCSD Task Force to study Gender Equity, 2001-02; co-authored the final report
Member: Search Committee for the UCSD University Librarian, 2000
Member: UCSD Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Women, 1997-2000
Member: UCSD Committee on International Education, 1996-2000
Member and Chair: Committee on Comparative Studies in Language, Society, and Culture (a Ph.D. Program), 1990-present
Chair: Committee on Educational Policy Sub-committee to review the Women’s Studies Program at UCSD, 1995 -1997
Chair: InterArts Consortium, 1990-92
Chair: Center for Music Experiment Advisory Board, 1988-91
Member: Eleanor Roosevelt College Executive Committee, 1989-93
Member: Curriculum Committee to plan the General Curriculum for a new college, subsequently called Eleanor Roosevelt College (1988)
Chair: Warren College Curriculum Reform Committee, 1984-86
Member: Warren College Executive Committee, 1984-1985
Music Department (recent contributions)
Chair, Search Committee for Music Technology, 2011-12
Chair or co-chair, CSEP faculty committee, 1991-2006
Executive and Budget Committee, annually since its inception-2006
Graduate Admissions Committee, annually since the late-1990s
Graduate Curriculum Committee, 2001-03, 2006
Graduate Advisor, Critical Studies and Experimental Practices, 2002-03, 05-06
Director, CSEP Intermedia Festival, June 2-5, 2005
Various search committees and other committees.
Founder of this interdisciplinary Ph.D. program at UCSD (directed 1991-2007, 1997-2003 with George Lewis)
My most recent former students are currently in tenured or tenure-track positions at Stanford, UCLA, University of Oxford, Queen’s University Belfast, University of Newfoundland, Lang College, New School (New York) and King’s College (London).